​The Laboratory of Supramolecular & Materials Chemistry
@ The University of Potsdam

Energy & Environmental Materials Research at the Interface of Ionic Liquids, Inorganic & Solid State Chemistry, Biomineralization, and Polymer Science
Welcome ​to The LSMC​ @ The University of Potsdam
The Laboratory of Supramolecular & Materials Chemistry focuses on the synthesis, characterization, and application of novel hybrid materials. Two key research topics are bioinspired calcium phosphate hybrid materials and ionic liquid-based functional materials.
We are an international research group and constantly looking for motivated and self-driven coworkers and collaborators. Please feel free to browse the lab website and to contact us for cooperation, open positions, samples, or publications.
August 27, 2024
New PhD: Nike is now officially Dr. Morenike O. Adesina! Congratulations on the new title!
August 1, 2024
More good news: Switzerland is celebrating its national holiday and Gloria celebrates the newest award in the group: she has just been awarded the “Prof. Kayode Young Researcher’s Prize for Women in Chemical Sciences” by the Nigerian Young Academy. Congratulations!
June 5, 2024
Lots of positve news: Alyna wins a PoGS scholarship to wrap up her PhD thesis and Nike wins a stipend from the Paul & Maria Kremer Stiftung to wrap up her thesis as well. Congraulations to both!
Maria has already left the group again after a short but very successful and very pelasant stay in the group. We wish you all the best for your upcoming Masters write-up and defense!
Finally, our high school researcher Undine has won the 4th prize at the national finals of the "Jugend forscht" competition. Congratulations as well and thank you, all supporters from the group!
April 12, 2024
New group member: Maria started her research visit. Welcome to Potsdam!
New Awards: Congratulations (again!) to Undine Herzschuh for winning the 1st Prize and the "Sonderpreis der MInisterin" for her work on ionogel/dye hybrid materials in the state finals of the "Jugend forscht" competition 2024. Looking forward to the next step - Bundesfinale in Heilbronn!
Special Thanks to Stefan, Fabian, and the whole group for supporting the work!
Lots of new papers out:
Olorunnisola et al., Microchemical Journal, 2024, 110355.
Murali et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2024, 15, 12, 3376.
Balischewski et al., Adv. Funct. Mater., 2024, 2311571.
Hildebrandt et al., ChemistryOpen, 2024,13, e20230010.
Ebert et al., PCCP, 2024, DOI: 10.1039/d4cp00356j.
Steinbrecher et al., Chem. Commun., 2024,
60, 1747.
Adesina et al., Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2024, 10.1039/D4EW00037D.
Tannert et al., Macromol. Mater. Eng., 2024, 309, 2300236.
March 1, 2024
New Awards: Congratulation to Undine Herzschuh, high school student from the Bertha-von-Suttner Gymnasium in beautiful Babelsberg on winning the regional championship of the current "Jugend forscht" contest AND the "Sonderpreis des Ministers für das anspruchsvollste Projekt" at the same time!
Special thanks to everyone from the group involved in the project!
February 6, 2024
New Paper out: Steinbrecher et al., Chem. Commun, 2024, DOI:10.1039/D3CC06178G.​