​The Laboratory of Supramolecular & Materials Chemistry
@ The University of Potsdam

Bioinspired, Biomimetic & Bionic Hybrid Materials
Collaborators: Matthias Hartlieb (Potsdam), Dirk Rothenstein (Stuttgart), Szczepan Zapotocny (Cracow), Andreas Thünemann (Berlin), Kay Saalwächter (Halle)
The Laboratory of Supramolecular & Materials Chemistry​ is mainly interested in hybrid materials. We focus on bioinspired, biomimetic and bionic polymer/inorganic composites, currently mostly on composites based on calcium phosphate. We are particularly interested in determining how, when, where, and why a specific inorganic or hybrid material forms. We thus investigate pre-nucleation, nucleation, growth, and growth mechanisms of the inorganic component vs. the composition, structure, topology of the organic template and develop molecular and supramolecular concepts for quantifying and rationalizing the template-i​norganic interactions that govern the formation of the final material. To that end, we use experimental methods such as polymer synthesis, a variety of scattering techniques (including synchrotron), electron microscopy, titration, Raman spectroscopy, and many surface analysis tools, to name just a few examples. We also collaborate with theoretical chemists to further validate our experimental work with calculated data and with biologists and dentists to further understand our processes and materials.

​Materials Chemistry with Ionic Liquids
Collaborators: Ilko Bald (Potsdam), Armin Wedel (Potsdam), Peter Hesemann (Montpellier), Laurent Douce, Pierre Rabu, Betrand Donnio & Benoit Heinrich (Strasbourg), Marian Paluch (Kattowice), Anastasia Efimova (Senftenberg), Veronica de Zea Bermudez (Vila Real), Andreas Thünemann (Berlin), Oldamur Holloczki (Bonn), Anna Martinelli (Gothenborg)
Besides biomimetics, we are also interested in materials synthesis from ionic liquids (ILs). ILs often provide unique media for the synthesis of advanced, possibly unknown, materials. We study the formation of nanoparticles, inorganic, and hybrid materials from ILs. We are again interested in the processes that govern structure formation of inorganic (mostly crystalline) materials from ILs. Ideally, this will lead to a detailed mechanistic and quantitative thermodynamic and kinetic model of how and why inorganic crystals grow from ILs and how this can be exploited for the targeted synthesis of functional materials for specific applications.
We also study IL-based hybrid materials (ionogels) where the IL imparts functionality to a macroscopic material. Here we focus on the interaction between the IL and the matrix (silica, layered inorganics, polymers) and provide protocols for the fabrication of advanced (multi)functional materials with tremendous application potential. This work is again supported by theoretical studies and by collaboration with physicists, materials scientists, and engineers to further characterize, quantify, and understand the formation, structure, and properties of our materials.

​Green and Sustainable Materials and Processes for Water Remediation
Collaborators: Emmanuel I. Unuabonah (Ede), Harshad Rawel (Potsdam), Ahmed Salama (Dokki), Peter Hesemann (Montpellier)
The Laboratory of Supramolecular & Materials Chemistry is also interested in sustainable materials synthesis and materials for environmental applications. We investigate the structure and properties of composite materials based on clay and various organic renewable raw materials. The major field of application here is water treatment and water decontamination. Both the removal of chemical and biological contaminants are addressed. This work is part of a growing network of international collaborations with complementary skills and interest in various contamination problems. A large part of this work is done in collaboration with the African Center of Excellence in Water and Environmental Research, ACEWater.
Contact Prof. Taubert for further info if you would like to use any of our equipment
DSC214 (Netzsch) with automatic sample carrousel
Thermogravimetric analysis/differential thermal analysis TGA/DTA L81 to 1500 °C (Linseis)
Thermogravimetric analysis/differential thermal analysis STA PT-1600 (Linseis)
Nitrogen sorption instrument BELSORP-max (BEL Instruments)
SC7620 mini sputter coater
UV/Vis spectrometer UV Mini 1240 (Shimadzu)
UV/Vis spectrometers (Ocean Optics)
Thermo Nicolet iS5 IR spectrometer with attenuated total reflection and KBr holders (Thermo Fisher)
EPR-Spectrometer ELEXSYS E500 CW-EPR for X- and S-Band (Bruker BioSpin)
Susceptibility meter MSB-AUTO
3D Printer Formlabs Form 2
3D Printer Ultimaker 3
Excellence Titrator T90 (Mettler Toledo)
Excellence Titrator T50 (Mettler Toledo)
Video titration system VIT 90
Karl-Fischer Titrator DL32 (Mettler Toledo)
Centrifuge Hermle Z 323
Olympus BX53M polarized optical microscope for reflected and transmitted light with camera SC50
Mettler Toledo HS82 hot stage for POM (from room temperature to 375°C)
Polarized optical microscope (Hengtech)
Light microscope (Zeiss)
Multi-position dip coater DC 2a (Eltro)
Single position dip coater (KSV)
Contact angle meter Cam 100 (KSV)
Electromechanical Universal Test System E42.503 (MTS)
Laser particle sizer "analysette 22" NanoTec (Fritsch)
Sedimentation analysis "analysette 20" (Fritsch)
High temperature oven Linn High Therm EVA (1700°C)
High temperature oven Linn High Therm VMK (1800°C, inert gas)
High temperature oven Carbolite (1500°C, inert gas)
High temperature oven Linn High Therm (1600°C, inert gas)
High temperature ovenLinn High Therm FRH-50/300/1600 (1600°C, inert gas)
Pyrolysis and laboratory ovens
Drying ovens UF55Plus (Memmert)
Milling setups (Fritsch, Retsch)
Analytical sieving setups (Retsch, Fritsch)